Sunday, October 28, 2007

I'm being tortured

I've been branded, tagged, etc.. Any way, my wife does a good job with this blog and her facts are legit. I enjoy reading what she puts on here and enjoy looking at other's blogs. My wife is a little sensitive though. She is staring over my shoulder right now seeing what I am going to write. Please bare with her spelling, she is still in training. Here are 8 intriguing facts about Weston V the Freaky D.

1.) I've flown alot in my lifetime and it never gets better. I don't hate it yet, but I'm getting there. (Fear of Flying)

2.) I switch cars like it is going out of style. I live by this motto, "Everything I own is for sale! You pay me enough, I'll sale it! I have had at least ten cars in my lifetime.

3.) I am anal-retentive when it comes to my kids safety! I am sure some of you have witnessed it. Bare with me, I'm in therapy for it. I'm learning to let some things go. It rubs my wife the wrong way sometimes! Sorry honey.

4.) I always wanted to be a stripper. (Not completely naked) I'm a great closet dancer! (I'm totally joking about this one!!!)

5.) I take credit for Matt and Tiffany Deaton's marriage. I was always the 3rd leg in the party when we got together. They acted like we were all friends, but I knew what those two were brewing up! I just have a knack for bringing people together.

6.) I love to sing and want to pursue it more. I have not pursued it because of the business in my life. I'm learning to give some things up.

7.) I dated the best looking girl at Greenwood High School as a Freshman! That's right!!! She was a BIG Junior and I was a little freshman. I've got GAME! You know what I'm sayin, DOGG! FOR REAL DOE!

8.) I married the best woman for me! She is my life! She gave me 3 beautiful children! She is my best friend. I don't know how she puts up with me. She has the patience of a heavily medicated patient at Fern Terrace! That may be a bad comparison! NAA!

I am tagging ERIC DEVRIES! Melissa, you must make him complete this.


About Me said...

I'm cracking up! Weston, You're awesome!

Deaton, party of 5 said...

#5 absolutely. Thanks for being the willing 3rd wheel in our flirting days =).

Lydia & Riley Jane's Mom said...

Weston, you are such a great guy! Yes you did marry a great wife that gave you 3 great kids and it is OK to be so over protective. I bet I could beat you in that category.
I remember you always bugging Josh and I to go on a date, and look where it got us!

Valerie said...

FUNNY! Welcome to blogging Weston.

Melissa D said...

Well, if he goes for it, then I will definitely be right behind him like Larie to keep his post in check. He had never even been to my blog so we'll see how this goes!!

Melanie said...

I seem to remember a particular boatride (if you could call it a boat or a ride--more like a very bumpy flight!) to Laughing Bird Caye that you weren't too crazy about either! Jinx 10!

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