Thursday, October 25, 2007


I've been tagged by Tiffany.

Here are the rules--
1) Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
2) People who are tagged need to write a post on their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules.
3) At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4) Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Here are my Facts:
1. I have an intense fear of Lakes , ponds and rivers. I am extremely fearful of a dead body floating up next to me. ( I know its strange, but true) Weston thought it would be funny to make me fall in one time and I nearly killed him trying to get out. Showed him!!

2. I secretly wish I could be a doctor. I really like the human body and how works. Maybe someday I 'll have like ten years to go to school!

3. I had my hand slammed in a locker when I was in high school. Now I have a crooked pinky.

4. I like Dolly Parton. I love that she is so honest about being trashy and I love her music. Since I am a bluegrass music fan I just love her.
I also like Allison Kraus but there is just something about Dolly.

5. I love being a converted country girl. I grew up in the city and only went to the country on the weekends when I was with my dad. Being there were some of my best memories. I love that my kids will get to have free reign over our small acres out here.

6.My nick name is LL. Some may say LL cool J. I kind of miss not being called that since now I am LV but on occasion my best friend Brooke calls me that and weston too.

7. My first car was a buick skylark that was pee yellow and belonged to my grandmother. It only had 38,000 miles on it. We named it Erma. We also named my moms minivan Immajean.

8. I like to run. I ran a minimarathon while pregnant with Tucker. Too bad I can't seem to find time to run these days, but I try to get a little in here and there. Its a great stress releaver.

Well I am not going to pass this on except to my husband which has some neat facts and stories he could share.


Deaton, party of 5 said...

You'll always be LL to me. I'm surprised that you didn't write some fun factoid about the love of your life Stevie P.???

About Me said...

I like Dolly, too. She's on my MP3 player.