Thursday, March 20, 2008

more bunnies

I think it is hilarious that Tucker insists on playing with the bunnies inside, but I let him. He promises he will take them outside if they have to go to the bathroom. ( uh, OK) I try to let him have some fun with in limits. Here the bunny is eating off the table something that not even we do that often! Go figure... That rabbit is getting some royal treatment!


mommy of girls said...

What a hoot! At least you can see your kitchen table...mine always has so much stuff on it that I can never find it! I have to push stuff aside EVERY meal, regardless of how recently I have cleaned it off, just to have a place for us to sit! How sad is that? Maybe I need to do the "happy things" post on my blog now! :-)

Melissa D said...

That first picture is awesome. The bunny doesn't even look real!!! That is too cool, you are a better mom than me :)