Saturday, December 15, 2007




Well, as you can see I had to play a game of Clue this afternoon. As we were sitting at the table playing with play-do Weston looks over at Tucker and says "did you cut your hair?" Tucker replies " I am really really sorry but yea, I did". And with that the game began.
question 1: when did you do that?
answer: I don't know...(eyes rolling)

Question 2: What scissors did you use?
answer: these (holding up the green scissors pictured above)

Question 3: where did you do this at?
answer: I don't know...

question 4: What did you do with the hair?
answer: it is in the pantry room...

Question 5: Can you show it to me?
answer: uh I think I can

Q 6: Can you help me look for it?
A: I think it is over there near the trash can.
I then located the clump of hair

Q7: did you do this earlier when you were getting a snack?
A: yes I did.

Q8: what made you do this?
A: well my hair was hanging all down in my eye so I had to cut it. I just went clip clip.

Q9: are you going to do this again?
A: no, I will get in trouble.

Luckily it was in the front and can somewhat be disguised with a little brushing.


About Me said...

I love it! Hey, it happens to EVERY kid I've learned. Good thing he's too young to look in the mirror and cry about it later!

Deaton, party of 5 said...

Great story! Barbershop in the making. Hopefully he won't try it out on the helpless siblings =).